Document Conventions
Admonitions and Call-Outs
ℹ️ Info: Additional detail about a topic will be called out with the "info" symbol.
💡 Tip: Tips and advice will appear with a "lightbulb" admonition.
⚠️ Warning: Warnings and strong recommendations will appear next to a caution exclamation.
❗ Crucial: Crucial advice and information will appear next to a red exclamation.
Single-line Commands and Code
If instructed to type a single command, it will be displayed in a monospace font and highlighted like this
ipa -vvv cert-find --all
Multi-line Commands, Code / File Contents
If instructed to type multi-line commands, create or modify code blocks and or file contents the
information will be monospaced and placed in a callout box like this example:
require 'sinatra'
get '/hi' do
"Hello World!"